Tuesday, June 1, 2010

post memorial weekend blues

home from the lake yesterday and jack had a mild fever. today it is slightly more than mild. :( I hate having a sick baby. fevers are my least favorite. I hope he gets to feeling better soon, if not we'll be heading to the doctor.
hope everyone had a good holiday weekend!


  1. yuck! Hope he feels better soon? Could it be teeth? or are there other symptons?

  2. Sick babies are rough. It does get easier as they get older. Our three are a little puny, too. Too much weekend for them! Get better, Jack!

  3. Awww...hope Jack get's to feeling better soon! Having a sick baby is no fun!

  4. oh my gosh! 3 comments! I feel so popular. :)
    thanks guys - he seems a little better today but still had a fever last night at midnight.
    I was thinking teeth erica, cause he has a runny nose too, but I've heard people say fevers from teeth don't get that high (103).
    fevers have to be my LEAST favorite part of being a parent. :(
